1月20日、The U.S.-Japan Council & TOMODACHI Shinnenkai 2025を Deloitte Tohmatsu Innovation Parkにて開催しました。TOMODACHIのアラムナイとUSJC日本支部メンバーはもちろん、その家族や友人を含む様々な分野のビジネスリーダーたち100人あまりが参加、学生の参加もみられました。
オープニングのあいさつでは、在日米国大使館、米日カウンシルージャパンCOOの池野昌宏が歓迎の言葉を述べました。 パネルディスカッションではDeloitte Tohmatsu社からCOOの長山 聡祐氏、グローバルビジネスディビジョンのアンドリュー・チャン氏、TOMODACHIアラムナイでもある内田佳那子氏の3名が登場。キャリアやリーダーシップ、目標や夢を実現させるモチベーションなどについて議論を重ねました。
TOMODACHI MetLife Women Leadership ProgramとTOMODACHI住友商事奨学金プログラムの二つのTOMODACHIプログラムのアラムナイである内田氏は「私は大学時代にTOMODACHIリーダーシッププログラムに参加し、自分が成し遂げられることに対する見方が完全に変わりました。プログラムを通じて、多くの素晴らしい女性リーダーや仲間たちと出会い、彼女たちに刺激を受けました。そのおかげで、女性としてキャリアの目標を追求し、リーダーになることが可能だと気づきました。」と述べ、諦めずに挑戦することで目標が達成できるとエールを送りました。

新年会の締めくくりとして、USJC メンバー、ケリー・ヌイベ率いるフラダンスチームのNā Kukui KahikinaとTOMODACHI 大和ハウス学生リーダーシップ会議のアラムナイのコートニー・チョイ氏によるパフォーマンスが行われました。
Over 100 Attend the U.S.-Japan Council & TOMODACHI Shinnenkai 2025
On January 20th, the U.S.-Japan Council and TOMODACHI Shinnenkai 2025 were held at Deloitte Tohmatsu Innovation Park. Over 100 attendees participated, including TOMODACHI alumni, members of the USJC Japan chapter, their families, friends, and business leaders from various fields. Students also participated.
During the opening remarks, the U.S. Embassy in Japan and Mark Ikeno and Henry Takata representing the U.S.-Japan Council (Japan) shared words to welcome guests and kick off the festivities. The panel discussion featured three speakers from Deloitte Tohmatsu: COO,Sosuke Nagayama, Andrew Chang from the Global Business Division, and Kanako Uchida, a TOMODACHI alumna. They discussed topics such as careers, leadership, motivation, and realizing goals and dreams.
Kanako, an alumna of both the TOMODACHI MetLife Women Leadership Program and the TOMODACHI Sumitomo Corporation Scholarship Program, shared her transformative experience:
“During my university years, participating in the TOMODACHI Leadership Program completely changed my perspective on what I could achieve. Through the program, I met many incredible female leaders and peers who inspired me. Thanks to them, I realized that as a woman, I could pursue my career goals and become a leader.” She encouraged others to persevere and challenge themselves to achieve their goals.
To conclude the Shinnenkai, a performance was given by the hula dance group Nā Kukui Kahikina, led by a USJC member Kelly Nuibe, and Courtney Choi, an alumna of the TOMODACHI Daiwa House Student Leadership Conference.
Hideki Tomita, an alumnus of the The Toshizo Watanabe Study Abroad Scholarship Program, shared his thoughts on participating in the event:
“This was my first time attending the Shinnenkai, driven by a desire to share the value of studying abroad in the U.S. with more people. Through participating in the scholarship program, I’ve come to aspire to be a bridge between Japan and the U.S. as a member of the TOMODACHI community.”
He also expressed his future aspirations, stating that he hopes to utilize his study abroad experience to pursue a career in the United States.