Emigration Policy in Interwar Period
- When

Date: March 25, 2022 (U.S.) / March 26, 2022 (Japan)
Time: 10am-11:30am JT / 6:00pm-7:30pm (PT) / 9:00-10:30pm (ET) This event is members only. If you have not received an invitation or have any questions, please contact Lauren Matsumoto at [email protected].
USJC/TOMODACHI intern alum Momoko Tajima will give a presentation to Japan Region Members on the Japanese emigration policy in the interwar period, Nikkei Issei/Nisei generation, and the impact of wartime experiences on their self-identity. The presentation will take place on March 26, 2022 (Japan time).
Momoko is in her final year of undergraduate law study at Kyushu University and her presentation will be based on her senior thesis which she will deliver in her class in early March. Momoko has kindly agreed to meet with US Japan Region Members afterwards to discuss her findings.
Momoko’s presentation to Japan Region Members will be in English. She will plan to speak for about 20-30 minutes. The remaining time will be reserved for questions and discussion.