2005 Japanese American Leadership Delegation

The fifth Japanese American Leadership Delegation traveled to Japan on March 4th –12th, 2005. The Delegation visited Kyoto, Kobe and Tokyo. Highlights of the trip included meetings with high-level Japanese leaders including government officials, parliamentarians and business executives.
The 2005 delegates represented ten cities from throughout the United States including Chicago, Denver, Honolulu, Los Angeles, New York City, Portland, San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle and Washington, DC. The delegation represented diverse professions including business, communications, engineering, finance, government, journalism, law, law enforcement and non-profit administration.
The 2005 symposium, “Practicing Multicultural Coexistence: From Minorities Perspectives” was sponsored by the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership and the Japanese American National Museum and coordinated by Dr. Yasuko Takezawa of Kyoto University and Irene Hirano Inouye. It featured delegates Terry S. Hara, Melvin M. Horikami, Carol L. Izumi, Mark Makoto Kobayashi and Lori Lei Matsukawa as panelists. They were joined by Japanese panelists Shizuyo Yoshitomi of the Multilanguage Center FACIL and Marina Matsubara of the Kansai Brazailian Community. Click here to download the symposium report.
2005 Delegates
- Jean M. Fujiu, Illinois
- Mariko O. Gordon, New York
- Terry S. Hara, Southern California
- Melvin M. Horikami, Hawaii
- Carol L. Izumi, District of Columbia
- Mark Makoto Kobayashi, Northern California
- Donna L. Kotake, Northern California
- Lori Lei Matsukawa, Washington
- Thomas J. Migaki, Colorado
- Kelly T. Saito, Oregon
- Susan Yamada Scott, Hawaii
- Randi Sono Tahara, Southern California