Kicking off the Year of the Ox, which symbolizes resilience, USJC members gathered on January 18 for an event that discussed ways to manage our total health in a time of extraordinary trauma and crisis. With Japan experiencing one of its most dangerous months of suicide in 2020, and depression tripling among adults in the United States, mental and emotional well-being is of dramatically heightened concern to communities and businesses all over the world.

Reverend Cristina Moon and Dr. Sean Sullivan are leading experts in their respective fields of Zen Buddhism and mental health. While Rev. Moon is a millennial, ordained Rinzai Zen priest living in Honolulu, Dr. Sullivan lives in the Bay Area and has a mastery in digital mental therapeutics. From these diverse backgrounds, Rev. Moon and Dr. Sullivan shared their experiences, inspirations, and learnings from applying old and new school approaches to not just coping, but thriving through COVID-19 and beyond.
Click here to watch this event.
This event was led by USJC’s O40 committee and is a collaboration across regions and age groups.