Meg Nakamura
Reflection from Meg Nakamura (ELP ’16)
As the saying goes, I can’t believe how fast time flies. As I reflect on the TOMODACHI Emerging Leaders Program and time spent with new friends since, I’m humbled to be part of such an impressive class. On the one-year anniversary of applying to ELP, it is incredible to think about everything that my peers have accomplished in just the last 12 months. My peers have organized events, applied to and been accepted to graduate programs, made significant job changes and even moved across oceans in their continued commitment to foster U.S.-Japan relations.
In addition to the ELP, I am honored to be part of the larger USJC community. Here in Silicon Valley–unrelated to ELP or the U.S.-Japan Council–recent developments have put a national spotlight on leadership. Especially in this context, I feel even more fortunate to have met and learned from the community of experienced USJC leaders. In a world where diversity and inclusion are still not the norm, USJC leaders are role models for change. The impact USJC leaders have created across various organizations and industries is inspiring.
As I look forward to the next 12 months and the next class of Emerging Leaders, I’m excited to know that an entirely new group of leaders will soon feel the same gratitude for getting to be part of such an accomplished community. On the eve of Independence Day, I find comfort in knowing that ELP and USJC will continue to foster shared principles in order to ensure stronger U.S.-Japan relations for future generations.
In closing, I would like to thank USJC, its supporters and sponsors, and in particular President Irene Hirano Inouye, Senior Vice President Kaz Maniwa, and Program Manager Allison Murata, without whom ELP would not be possible. Thank you all so very much!