Happy New Year!
I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome four amazing leaders to the U.S.-Japan Council Board of Directors.
Sachi recently retired as the Los Angeles County Chief Executive Officer. Having overseen a budget of $36.1 billion and a workforce of nearly 113,000, she brings to the Council a wealth of knowledge about the nexus of government, business, economic (and sustainable/green) growth, organizational excellence, and community engagement.
Eiich is President and a Founding Principal of Pine Cook Capital, based in Greenwich, CT, and he also spends time in Mau’i. Eiich has brought his investment expertise beyond his business clients to non-profit institutions such as Phillips Exeter Academy and Brown University. His commitment to the environment includes a board role at The Nature Conservancy.
Brad has been the City Manager of Bellevue, Washington for most of the last decade, a unique period of economic growth, increased demand for services and long-term budget challenges. He champions the city’s Diversity Advantage Initiative, and brings to USJC’s climate & energy work his experience leading the city’s Utilities Department. Brad is an alumni of the 2014 Japanese American Leadership Delegation class.
Mino joins from the Bay Area, where he brings his experience serving Silicon Valley technology clients as a partner at Deloitte. He has worked with start-ups and large publicly-listed companies, including a five-year secondment to Deloitte Japan leading one of the firm’s largest global audit clients. Mino has a strong track record of inclusive leadership, including heading his company’s Asian Business Resource Group.
As we head into 2022, we have also updated our Executive Committee and and our Committee Chairs:
You can read their full biographies for these and all our other board members who are continuing their service featuring:
Last year we thanked the wonderful and committed board members who rotated to the Legacy Council following completion of their Board of Director terms. Deep appreciation to:
Non-profit board members are truly special. They are accomplished, busy, and in-demand, yet they find time to volunteer their time, talent and treasure to make the Council stronger. Most of our board members serve on other boards as well (not to mention their day jobs, and their professional and family commitments!). Please join me in thanking them for their commitment to USJC.
And for those of you supporting USJC through other ways, such as on a committee, through past board service, membership on the Board of Councilors, Japan-entity board service, leading regional activities or affinity groups, serving as a mentor, providing your expertise, sponsoring us financially, organizing or speaking in an event, submitting newsletter content, or simply joining our activities – thank you as well.
Here’s to a wonderful 2022 together!