In February and March, the Japan-America Society of Dallas/Fort Worth held the “3/11 Resilience Series,” a series of virtual events commemorating 10 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Three alumni of the TOMODACHI-Mitsui & Co. Leadership Program and a member of the USJC staff participated in the March 16 program, titled “A Resurgent Region – Tohoku’s Recovery since 2011.” Hiroyuki Karahashi (2013 alum) shared the work that his company, Homare Brewery, does to support the local Kitakata community in Fukushima Prefecture, and his personal time helping the city’s young leaders achieve their goals. Kazunori Ishii (2016 alum) focused on community-building initiatives, such as Open City and the Compass program in Kamaishi city, Iwate Prefecture. Junko Tsuda, Executive Director of the U.S.-Japan Council (Japan), informed the audience about the origins of the TOMODACHI Initiative and the decade of its success. USJC Associate Paul Pass (2019 alum) served as moderator.