We are now accepting applications for the 2013 Emerging Leaders Program.
The U.S.-Japan Council Emerging Leaders Program is an interactive, educational program designed to encourage the next generation of leaders to act as first movers, innovators and entrepreneurs in their professional fields.
Now in its fourth year, the Emerging Leaders Program will bring 10-12 Japanese American young professionals to Washington, DC for the 2013 U.S.-Japan Council Annual Conference. The Emerging Leaders will participate in a leadership orientation program, network with high level leaders, attend all conference events and participate in the Annual Members Meeting.
– Important Dates –
Application deadline: July 1, 2013
2013 Annual Conference & Annual Members Meeting: October 3-5, 2013 in Washington, DC
– Application –
Click here to download the 2013 Emerging Leaders Program Application.
For more information, please contact:
Kaz Maniwa – (415) 230-0886 or [email protected]
Allison Murata – (310) 500-2873 or [email protected]
In this week’s featured video, Board Member Gary Moriwaki talks about the importance of supporting the NPO/NGO sector in Japan. Click here to watch.
Please note that USJC videos are now available on the homepage!
Several U.S.-Japan Council Members and Board Members recently gathered in Portland, OR for the occasion of the Japan-America Society of Oregon (JASO) dinner. Board Member Dayne Kono arranged a special private tour of the Portland Japanese Garden led by curator Sadafumi Uchiyama. Additionally, Council Members surprised new Consul General Hiroshi Furusawa with a reception immediately before the JASO dinner. At the dinner, Council Member Charlie Allcock made remarks to welcome the Consul General to Oregon. Alumni of the 2010 Japanese American Leadership Delegation program gathered after dinner to spend further time with Consul General Furusawa. The group presented Consul General Furusawa with a gift certificate for a new set of golf clubs which he deeply appreciated. The U.S.-Japan Council offers a warm welcome to Consul General Furusawa and we look forward to collaborating with the Consulate in Oregon.
USJC Japan Week is less than two weeks away. We are looking forward to three days of events including the USJC Japan Symposium, Women in Business Summit, NPO Summit and various meetings arranged by the Council’s member-driven strategic working groups.
Registration is closed for all three major events. We look forward to providing a full report in June as well as video coverage of the symposium. We will also be live tweeting the symposium utilizing the hashtag #USJCNextGen.
To say that the Women in Business Summit will be the Seneca Falls of Japan would be over zealous. But, the 1848 Seneca Falls conference that sparked the women’s movement in the United States is certainly an inspiration for the USJC-ACCJ Women in Business Summit on May 27th. The idea is to unite Japan-based organizations focused on the advancement of women for one afternoon in one gathering place.
This may be the tipping point for women in the Japanese workforce. Both the LDP and DPJ have policy positions with aspirational targets of having 30% women in both the government and private sectors by the year 2020. The Ministry of Finance and Keizai Doyukai have recognized Japanese women as the engine for economic growth in Japan. In late 2012, the Government of Japan established a multi-ministerial panel (Ministry of Health, Welfare and Labor and Ministry of Education) to create, in two years, a new agency tasked with establishing child care policy.
Women-focused groups tend to be insular and specialized, and women tend to think in silos or small boxes, such as women lawyers or women in retail. But this Women’s Summit is a chance to break out of these proverbial boxes and enter a bigger, more cohesive arena. Generous sponsors have donated nearly 6 million yen to make the Women in Business Summit affordable and inclusive. This will be the start of something big!
At the U.S.-Japan Council Japan Symposium in 2011, the Council demonstrated a paradigm shift in post-March 11th Japan, which included a positive renewal of U.S.-Japan relations built on strong people-to-people relationships. Enduring connections between Japanese and Americans are the foundation of a healthy and vibrant economy and society in Japan, the U.S. and the Asia Pacific.
Two years later, the Council continues to champion the U.S.-Japan relationship with an inspired focus on investing in the next generation, a personal priority of the late Senator Daniel K. Inouye. The Council defines the “next generation” as students, entry-level business employees, young politicians, non-profit sector leaders, mid-career professionals and entrepreneurs whom we look to for strengthening and diversifying U.S.-Japan ties in the future. The Council also refers to this generation as the TOMODACHI Generation, an evolving group of students and young professionals who have been touched by the TOMODACHI Initiative. Diversity encompassing gender, culture and age differentiates this generation from others, promising fresh and sophisticated points of view. In addition to prescribing sage advice, there are tangible actions that senior leaders from the U.S. and Japan today can take to encourage the next generation. In turn, it is imperative for future leaders to listen to these recommendations while paving a path of their own.
Opening Remarks:
- Mr. Masaaki Tanaka, Deputy President, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. and Vice Chair, Board of Councilors, U.S.-Japan Council
Tribute to Senator Daniel K. Inouye:
- Mr. Yorihiko Kojima, Chairman, Mitsubishi Corporation
- The Honorable Colleen Hanabusa, Representative, U.S. House of Representatives (D-HI)
Keynote Speeches:
- Mr. Tadashi Yanai, Chairman, President & CEO, FAST RETAILING CO., LTD.
- Mr. Marc Benioff, Chairman & CEO,, inc.
Panel Discussion:
- Mr. Masaakira James Kondo, Managing Director – East Asia, Twitter, Inc.
- Ms. Tomoko Namba, Founder and Director, DeNA Co., Ltd.
- Mr. Brian Salsberg, Partner, McKinsey & Company, Japan Inc.
Closing Remarks:
- Ambassador John V. Roos, U.S. Ambassador to Japan
- Ms. Irene Hirano Inouye, President, U.S.-Japan Council
The U.S.-Japan Council recognizes the critical role that Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) play in society and we are committed to working with governments, businesses, institutions and individuals on both sides of the Pacific to strengthen this growing sector in Japan. In the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami, many grassroots NPOs formed to provide immediate relief to communities in the Tohoku region. We seek to bring greater visibility to their remarkable work towards the revitalization of the region and Japan as a whole.
Two years after the disasters, Japan is transitioning to the next phase of rebuilding and recovery. Japanese NPOs are positioned to play a meaningful role in shaping the future of Japan, and philanthropic support and partnership from the corporate and government sectors will enable Japanese NPOs to grow and mature.
The Summit – Investing in the Future of Japan through Non-Profit Organizations – will focus on the key role of relationship-building between the business and non-profit sectors as well as securing success for Japan’s NPOs. The event will feature a panel discussion with leaders from the business and non-profit sectors followed by small-group discussions dedicated to determining next steps and developing plans of action.
On April 30th and May 1st, a TOMODACHI-sponsored photo exhibition on the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami was displayed at the University of California, Riverside (UCR). A similar exhibition is scheduled on May 20th and May 21st at the University of California, Irvine (UCI).
These two exhibitions were spear-headed by two energetic young men, Yuta Hayashi and Kaito Okada, who are currently studying at UCR and UCI, respectively. They were actively involved in UT-Aida, a student volunteer group in Japan which sent 2000 volunteers to stricken areas in Tohoku. Four months ago, they came up with the idea of the photo exhibition, and TOMODACHI was proud to fund the two exhibits.
The exhibition:
- Informs American students about the disasters of March 11, 2011 and the ongoing reconstruction;
- Shows the gratitude and appreciation felt by the Japanese people for the support provided by the United States in the aftermath;
- Seeks to collect messages from Americans to share with disaster victims demonstrating that Americans continue to support the ongoing relief and recovery efforts.
Many people, including the Mayor of Riverside, came to see the photos. Some were moved to tears, and others wrote long, sincere messages. Volunteers and visitors alike felt the exhibition demonstrated how deep the friendship is between Japan and the United States.
This is a friendly reminder that USJC is on Facebook. Here are some sample posts. We hope you’ll join our online community.
LA: The Japan Film Festival starts in your fair city TOMORROW. It runs 2 weeks, features 20 films, talks by several directors, and 5 of the screenings are free! //
Gosei modern ukulele player Jake Shimabukuro will be featured in a PBS documentary THIS FRIDAY at 9pm. Happy to see one of the highest-profile 5th-generation JAs get national exposure! (Check local listings)
Japanese American Women in the Spotlight! Congrats to Council Member Atsuko Fish and two others recognized by the White House and Obama as Champions of Change.
Japan’s Kei Nishikori stuns tennis great Roger Federer at the Mutua Madrid Open! And, check out his UNIQLO duds!
Throughout May, Asian Pacific American Legacy is featuring Legacy Leaders from the Asian Pacific American community. See short videos about USJC Board of Councilors Member Norman Mineta and Senator Daniel K. Inouye://
Stephen Tyler of Aerosmith: “[Japanese] audiences are different from anywhere else in the world. I always found that very endearing, so to come back here is a beautiful thing.” “Rock for the Rising Sun,” an upcoming documentary follows Aerosmith as they toured Japan after the Tohoku disasters. The film will be available on Amazon and iTunes in Japan next month, and in the U.S. this July. Via the Boston Herald //
An in depths look at the life of modern day sumo wrestlers in Japan. Learn how their training is as much mental as it is physical.//
Click here to visit the USJC Facebook page, then click like to become a fan! We look forward to seeing you online.
The TOMODACHI Summer Coca-Cola Educational Homestay Program provides high school students from areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011 with the opportunity to take part in a cultural exchange in the United States. The program is administered by EIL Japan, in partnership with two U.S.-based non-profit organizations, CCI Greenheart and Cultural Homestay International (CHI).
In 2013, the program will send 120 high school students from the Tohoku region to Washington, DC and Atlanta, GA, home of Coca-Cola. The students will then split up into small groups to experience homestays in eight different cities. Participants will also take English classes and participate in day-trips, volunteer activities and sports events. Coca-Cola and the TOMODACHI Initiative hope that this program will help participants gain a more global perspective.
We are actively seeking homestay families in all eight cities. Homestays run from July 26 – August 6 this summer. CCI Greenheart is coordinating the homestay programs in Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Texas, Missouri and Minnesota while CHI is coordinating the homestay programs in Oregon and California.
Information on KY, PA, VT, TX, MO and MN
For the second year in a row, CCI Greenheart will coordinate several TOMODACHI homestay programs. Last year, CCI Greenheart hosted students in Elizabethtown, KY, Erie, PA and Burlington, VT. These communities embraced the experience and are looking forward to welcoming students again this year. Joining these three communities are Keller, TX, New Bloomfield, MO and Shoreview, MN. If you are interested in hosting or participating in the program please contact CCI Greenheart’s Melissa Trinley or complete the host family application form.
Council Members located near the Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Texas, Missouri and Minnesota program locations may contact USJC Program Manager Mya Fisher for information about how to engage with the students in your area.
Information on OR and CA
CHI is looking forward to hosting TOMODACHI students for the second year of this Coca-Cola-funded program. Last year, CHI successfully organized a homestay program for Japanese students in Salem, OR and in 2013 they will add a program in Folsom, CA. If you are interested in serving as host family in Oregon please contact CHI’s Kathy Lawrence. If you are interested in serving as a host family in California, please contact CHI’s Cathy Johnson.
Council Members located near the Oregon and California program locations may contact USJC Program Manager Mya Fisher for information about how to engage with the students in your area.
Atlas Corps continues to seek non-profit leaders from Japan to apply for the newly launched Atlas Corps TOMODACHI Fellows Program in the United States. The new initiative, a collaboration between the TOMODACHI Initiative and Atlas Corps, seeks to engage leaders from Japan committed to the non-profit sector in 12-18 month, professional fellowships at organizations in the United States to learn best practices, build organizational capacity and return home to create a network of global leaders. Please share this terrific opportunity with your various networks.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
Click here for more information.
- Japan PM Abe “Would Meet” N Korea Leader Kim Over Abductions
BBC News, May 15, 2013 - Japan OKs $906B Budget to Revive Economy
USA Today, May 15, 2013 - S. Korea “Shuts Out Japan” From Intl Diplomatic Meet
The Japan News, May 15, 2013 - NRA Wants Monju to Remain Shut Down
Japan Times, May 14, 2013 - A Brief History of Shareholder Activism in Japan
The Wall Street Journal, May 14, 2013 - G-7 Nations Keep Wary Eye on Falling Yen
The Japan News, May 13, 2013 - Detroit Three to Skip Tokyo Motor Show for Third Time
Japan Times, May 14, 2013 - Japan Welcomes U.S. Nuclear-Powered Flattop’s Arrival in S. Korea
Mainichi Daily News, May 13, 2013 - Michelin for the Masses: Japan’s Standing Restaurants Head for New York
Reuters, May 13, 2013 - A Japanese Tribute to Nisei Vets
Rafu Shimpo - Heading to G7, U.S. Tells Japan to Stick to Currency Rules
Reuters, May 10, 2013 - Loeb Says Japan Rally in Early Stages
The Wall Street Journal, May 10, 2013 - U.S. Report Raises Conserns about Abe’s Perception of History
Asahi Japan Watch, May 09, 2013 - Japan Protests Over Chinese Article on Okinawa Sovereignty
BBC News, May 09, 2013 - Japan Film Festival L.A. Starts This Weekend
Rafu Shimpo, May 08, 2013 - Huffington in Tokyo for Launch of Japanese Website
Japan Times, May 09, 2013 - U.S. Naval Shift to Asia on Track Despite Budget Cuts: Admiral
Japan Today, May 08, 2013 - Washington Budget Fight Hits Small Japan Town
The Wall Street Journal, May 08, 2013 - Editorial: Japanese TV Shows an Opportunity to Export Culture
Mainichi Daily News, May 08, 2013 - Japanese “NIH” to be Run by Private Citizen
The Japan News, May 08, 2013 - Slain Japanese Journalist Given World Press Federation Hero Award
Japan Today, May 06, 2013 - Scholarships to Encourage More Japanese to Study Overseas
The New York Times, May 05, 2013 - Author Murakami Makes First Japan Public Appearance in 18 Years
Reuters, May 06, 2013 - Abe’s Child Care Proposal Draws Fire from Companies
Japan Times, May 05, 2013 - Japan’s Public Debt: Don’t Mention the Debt
The Economist, May 04, 2013 - Mt. Fuji Listing Will Help Spread Japanese Culture Around the World
The Japan News, May 03, 2013 - China Likely to Use Coercion on Japan but Avoid Force: Report
Japan Times, May 03, 2013