The USJC Shin-Issei group steering committee participated in a conversation with the Tokyo-based Shinagawa Joshi Gakuin (Shinajo) junior and senior high school for girls.
Moderated by the principal Mr. Kamitani over two remote sessions on November 19 and 26, the eight steering committee members spoke of their paths to becoming Shin-Issei and their hopes for the Shinajo students to also step out on to the global stage. A lively discussion ensued about the differences in education, work and daily life between Japan and the United States, and why the steering committee members chose to settle in the U.S. rather than Japan or another country. The Shinajo students asked questions so perceptive that the sessions ran over time. In feedback provided later about the event, the students shared that they were impressed that the members shared their varied experiences without talking down to them.
The Shin-Issei steering committee hopes to build on this successful effort with similar projects in 2022, and wishes everyone a safe and peaceful end to 2021!
Thank you to Council Leader and Shin-Issei Group Steering Committee member Ichiro Sekimitsu for the above article.