SVJP February Benkyokai


  • 日時
    2024年2月7日 (水) 12:00 am – 11:59 pm

Date: February 7 (U.S.) / February 8 (Japan)
6:00pm (PT, In-person) / 6:15pm (PT, online) / 11:15am (JT)
Location: Palo Alto, CA / Online
Registration: This is a private event. If you are interested in joining online or in-person in Palo Alto, please contact [email protected]

There is a long-standing perception of Japan as a society that does not tolerate failure. Craftsmanship techniques are carefully passed down from generation to generation, honed and repeated to perfection. Innovation, on the other hand, can often be considered a slow and culturally resistant process. Yet even as these stereotypes persist, Japanese entrepreneurs continue to break through expectations with cutting edge technologies and unicorn startups. In the current age of rapid digital transformations and thriving entrepreneurial ecosystems, is Japan truly lagging behind in innovation?

In the February Silicon Valley Japan Platform (SVJP) Benkyokai, participants will gather online and in person to investigate the current state of Japan’s startup landscape. Leading the session will be new SVJP Co-Chair Naoaki Mashita visiting from Japan. Mr. Mashita will draw on his personal experiences as an entrepreneur and founder of V-Cube to provide key insights into Japan’s startup policies. Moderating the discussion will be SVJP Co-Chair Emeritus Dan Okimoto. The event will serve not only as a fascinating pulse check for Japanese entrepreneurship, but also as a poignant moment for the community to meet the next Co-Chair carrying on the SVJP mission.

This is a private event. If you are interested in joining online or in-person in Palo Alto, please contact [email protected]