Empowering Us: Masterminding Our Way to Success


  • 日時
    2016年5月25日 (水) 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Chicago Women Discuss the Importance of Mentors

As part of USJC’s Regional Women in Leadership (RWL) networking initiative, t​he Midwest region has organized a series of events called Womenomics in the City that Works. This was kicked off with a dinner in Chicago on May 25, themed ​”​Empowering Us: Masterminding Our Way to Success.​”​ ​The participants ​met in small​ ​groups​ inspired by the concept of “Mastermind,” and discussed how to define and develop mentoring relationships​. They also shar​ed ​the ​perspectives ​of women ​mentors as well as women seeking mentors. At the end of the evening​,​ each ​individual wrote a goal for herself. ​At subsequent Womenomics dinner​s​​, ​they will reflect upon ​their ​progress towards ​their ​goals.