USJC Women + Forum: Demystifying Leadership Coaching: A U.S.-Japan Cross-Cultural Perspective


  • 日時
    2023年8月29日 (火) 12:00 am – 11:59 pm

Date: August 29 (U.S.) / August 30 (Japan) 
7:00pm (ET) / 4:00 pm (PT) / 1:00 pm (HT) / 8:00 am (JT)
Virtual event
Session Length: Panel (60 mins) + Breakout (30 mins) 
If you have any questions about this event or would like to attend, please contact Aiko Harris at [email protected].
(Please note that this event is for members and TOMODACHI & ELP alumni only.)

What is leadership coaching? This event will explore what to expect from leadership coaching and demystify the process of finding and using a coach to accelerate your career. Our leadership coaches will further dive into the common challenges of the non-dominant culture, highlighting women and Asians in the workplace across both the United States and Japan. This event consists of a panel discussion (60 minutes) followed by networking sessions (30 minutes). 

Featured Speakers

Chiyo Okita (Moderator)
Former Head of Japan, Executive Recruiting (Amazon) 

Yasuko Inaba
Independent Organizational Development Consultant, Facilitator, and Executive/Business Coach 

Wendy Nakamura
Leadership Consultant & Coach at FORESIGHT Leadership Development

Session Organizers

Tasha A. Yorozu, Managing Attorney, Miura & Partners US

Suzanne Pak , Manager, Deloitte LLP