2011 USJC Annual Conference
Friday, October 07, 2011

October 6th-8th marked the 2011 U.S.-Japan Council Annual Conference – INNOVATE, EDUCATE, COLLABORATE: Moving Forward the U.S.-Japan Partnership. The Washington, DC event featured remarks by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Senator Daniel K. Inouye, Ambassador Ichiro Fujisaki, Mr. Hiroshi Mikitani (Chairman and CEO, Rakuten, Inc.) and Mr. Yasuchika Hasegawa (President, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited & Chairman, Keizai Doyukai).
The conference affirmed that a new paradigm for U.S.-Japan relations is evolving after the March 11th earthquake and tsunami and through collaboration and partnership, the U.S. commitment to supporting Japan remains strong. The theme and topics of the 2011 Annual Conference reflected that leaders on both sides of the Pacific are seeking innovative solutions and entrepreneurial ideas as well as enhanced cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region.
Click here to download the Annual Conference program. (large file)
Click here to download the Annual Conference Report. (large file)
Click here for more photos.
Click here to read the transcript of her speech.
9:00-10:45am Welcome and Opening Session
Mr. Thomas Iino, Chairman, U.S.-Japan Council
Introduction of Keynote Speaker
Honorable Daniel K. Inouye, Senate President Pro Tempore and United States Senator (HI)
Keynote Speech
Honorable Hillary Clinton, United States Secretary of State
Honorable Ambassador Ichiro Fujisaki, Ambassador of Japan to the United States
Visions for the Future of Japan
- Mr. Yasuchika Hasegawa, President, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited & Chairman, Keizai Doyukai
- Mr. Hiroshi Mikitani, Chairman and CEO, Rakuten, Inc.
Panel Session One 11:00am – 12:15pm
Education Panel One – Advancing the Study of Japanese Language
- Professor William Tsutsui, Dean of Humanities and Sciences, Southern Methodist University (Moderator)
- Dr. Rosalinda B. Barrera, Assistant Deputy Secretary and Director, Office of English Language Acquisition,
- U.S. Department of Education
- Dr. Janet Ikeda, President, Association of Teachers of Japanese & Associate Professor, Washington and Lee University
- Mr. Christopher Livaccari, Director, Education and Chinese Language Initiatives, Asia Society
Economic Collaboration Panel One – Forging Clean Energy Collaborations
- Mr. Erwin Furukawa, Senior Vice President Customer Service Business Unit Southern California Edison (Moderator)
- Ms. Jane Nakano, Fellow, Energy and National Security Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies
- Mr. Osamu Onodera, Chief Representative, Representative Office in Silicon Valley, New Energy and Industrial Technology
- Development Organization (NEDO), Japan
- Mr. Gene Rodrigues, Director, Customer Energy Efficiency and Solar, Southern California Edison
- Dr. Phyllis Yoshida, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Asia, Europe and the Americas, U.S. Department of Energy
NPO/NGO Sector Panel One – Developing the NGO/NPO Sector in Japan
- Mr. Gary S. Moriwaki, Partner, Fox Rothschild LLP (Moderator)
- Ms. Mari Kuraishi, President, GlobalGiving
- Mr. Kensuke Onishi, CEO, Peace Winds Japan & Chairperson, Civic Force & Director, Japan Platform
- Mr. Samuel A. Worthington, President and CEO, InterAction
12:30 – 1:45pm Luncheon Session on the Japan Brand
- Mr. Frederick H. Katayama, Anchor, Reuters Insider, Thomson Reuters (Moderator)
- Mr. Christopher Graves, Global CEO, Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide
- Mr. John Onoda, Senior Consultant, Fleishman-Hillard
2:00 – 3:15pm Afternoon Plenary on Moving Forward with Recovery
- Mr. Frederick H. Katayama, Anchor, Reuters Insider,Thomson Reuters (Moderator)
- Ms. Suzanne Basalla, Senior Advisor to Ambassador John V. Roos, U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, United States Department of State
- Mr. Takashi Kawamura, Chairman, Hitachi, Ltd.
- Mr. Stephen Jordan, Senior Vice President & Executive Director, Business Leadership Civic Center, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
3:30 – 5:00pm Panel Session Two
Education Panel Two: Fostering Educational Exchange
- Dr. Judy Sakaki, Vice President, Student Affairs, University of California (Moderator)
- Ms. Peggy Blumenthal, Senior Counselor to the President, Institute of International Education
- Mr. Fumio Isoda, Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
- Mr. Paul Miller, Director of Global Initiatives, The National Association of Independent Schools (N.A.I.S.)
Economic Collaboration Panel Two: Jump-Starting Entrepreneurship Today
- Ms. Moni Miyashita, Vice President, M&A Strategy, Investments & Relationships, IBM Corp., U.S. (Moderator)
- Mr. Scott Case, CEO, Startup America Partnership
- Mr. Ernest M. Higa, Chairman and CEO, Higa Industries Co., Ltd. / Wendy’s Japan LLC
- Dr. Kathryn Ibata-Arens, Associate Professor, DePaul University
- Mr. Allen Miner, Chairman and CEO, Sunbridge Corporation
NPO/NGO Panel Two: Exploring Social Innovation
- Ms. Dianne Fukami, Co-founder & President, Bridge Media, Inc. (Moderator)
- Mr. Hideyuki Inoue, Associate Professor, Keio University & Founder, Social Venture Partners Tokyo
- Ms. Shirley Sagawa, Visiting Fellow, Center for American Progress
- Dr. Britt Yamamoto, Executive Director, iLEAP: The Center for Critical Service
2011 Annual Conference Sponsors

Premier Sponsors
Arnold & Porter LLC
Deloitte LLP
EADS North America
Mr. Ernest M. Higa
ITO EN (North America), Inc.
Northrop Grumman
Sojitz Corporation
Gold Sponsors
Central Japan Railway
Cook Pine Capital, LLC
Fox Rothchild LLC
Island Insurance Co.
Miyako Hybrid Hotel
Mr. Roy Yamaguchi
Nomura Holding America
Osaki Creative
The Northeast MAGLEV
Tokio Marine Management, Inc.