USJC Membership: Nomination Form

The U.S.-Japan Council comprises Council Leaders, Associates and Friends of the Council and supporters committed to the mission of the organization. Included in these ranks are top leaders from major corporations, academia and research, politics and law, as well as entrepreneurs, small business owners and thought leaders.

We encourage our current USJC leaders to help us grow our network by nominating potential USJC members.

Please complete the form below. Thank you for your nomination.

Please click here to see which states are included in each region.

Please note that this form must be completed in one sitting, as information that you input cannot be saved until the form is submitted.

    Nominator Information

    The nominator must be a current USJC member in good standing.

    Information about the nominee

    Please submit the following information about the individual you are sponsoring.

    Council Leaders are leaders who actively support the mission and goals of the organization, which works to engage Americans and Japanese in programs and activities by contributing time, expertise, and resources.

    Associates are young professionals between the ages of 18-39 as well as select past participants of USJC TOMODACHI programs.

    The Friends of the Council category is a distinguished group of leaders, experts, and contributors who have demonstrated their support of the Council’s mission and goals in building U.S.-Japan relations. Friends may not be able to participate as Council Leaders due to time constraints or professional circumstances, hence, limiting active involvement.

    Council Leader (Ages 40+)Associate (Ages 18 - 39)Friend of the Council

    Nominee's Preferred Contact Information

    We would like to share member information with members, so please provide either a LinkedIn profile or professional biography below.

    Information about the reference

    In order to ensure we continue to bring in individuals who support the Council's mission, we ask that the nominator (you) provide at least one current USJC member in good standing other than yourself as reference for the nominee. USJC staff will be reaching out to those listed below to confirm them as references for this nomination.


    If the previous statement is accurate, please check this box.