USJC Portland x Shokookai: Sally Sudo – Life in an American Concentration Camp


  • 日時
    2025年1月24日 (金) 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Date: January 24, 2025
Time: 4:00pm PT
Location: Virtual Event
Registration: This is a members only event. If you are interested in attending or have any questions about the event, please contact Lauren Matsumoto at [email protected].

During the USJC x Shokookai call, Sally Sudo will do a presentation about the Japanese American incarceration camps and the lessons learned from this experience. She and her family were forcibly removed from their homes and put into incarceration camps during World War II. Sally, who is a Nisei and lives in Minnesota, has done numerous presentations to students, educators and others about this topic since the mid-90s. All USJC members are welcome to attend regardless of geographical location.

Featured Speaker

Sally (Ohno) Sudo was born in Seattle, Washington. As a child, she was imprisoned for three and a half years when President Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, which removed all persons of Japanese ancestry from their west coast homes and placed them in American prison camps. Her family relocated to Minneapolis, Minnesota in August 1945 due to her brother being stationed at Fort Snelling in the Military Intelligence Service Language School. After her retirement from teaching in the Minneapolis Public Schools, she has devoted her life to educating the public about the injustices suffered by Americans of Japanese ancestry during World War II, so history will not repeat itself.