Since the launch of the Shin-Issei affinity group, collaboration with Shinagawa Joshi Gakuin (Shinajo) has been one of the group’s signature programs, as highlighted during Members’ Day at the 2022 Annual Conference in Tokyo.
This year, the Steering Committee conducted “mentoring sessions” for students who participated in the school-sponsored study abroad program. The primary intent behind the sessions, as proposed by Shinajo teachers, is to allow students who have studied abroad to reflect and build on their experience by providing opportunities to discuss with the “adults who can best relate.” Shinajo teachers, including Principal Kamitani, felt that Shin-Issei Program leaders were best suited to this role not only because they have shared experience but could also answer questions about possibly living abroad in the future. In fact, teachers found it difficult to find any other adults who could meet these needs and were extremely thankful for the continued relationship.
A total of eleven grade 11 students signed up voluntarily and most of the 14 sessions scheduled have been completed as of mid-August. Per design, sessions were completely free form, meaning topics discussed varied significantly depending on individual student’s interests. Some sessions focused around specific questions students prepared beforehand, while other sessions started with “casual chats” which turned into more focused discussions. As all the students participating seemed to genuinely enjoy the sessions, the Steering Committee looks to expand the program to allow other interested Shin-Issei USJC members to join as mentors from next year.
To inquire about the Shin-Issei affinity group, please contact [email protected], or one of the steering committee members: Aya Iwasuji (NoCal), Ichiro Sekimitsu (HI), Masami Tyson (TN), Nori Tarui (HI), Tatsuki Tomita (NoCal), Toshiki Masaki (MI), Vince Okada (HI), Yuko Watanabe (WA) and Yumi Higashi (NY).