“Extremely Inappropriate!” Shin-Issei Perspectives
- When

Date: October 10, 2024 (U.S.) / October 11, 2024 (Japan)
Time: 8:00pm (ET) / 9:00am (JT)
Location: Virtual Event
Registration: Register here
In the last quarterly networking session this year leading to the Annual Conference, the Shin-Issei affinity group discusses changes in the norms of appropriate behavior, inspired by the recent Japanese TV series “Extremely Inappropriate!” where a single father is transported by time-machine from the 1980’s Showa era to the present and finds that his behavior is now socially unacceptable. Steering Committee members will take the lead sharing experiences from our workplaces in education and business. How have perceptions and norms in Japan evolved in comparison to the United States? Participants will then be invited to share their perspectives in breakout rooms.
The Shin-Issei affinity group enjoys quarterly Zoom networking events in which we discuss topics relevant to our identity as the newest Japanese Americans. Selected events are open to Shin-Isseis who are not yet USJC members as a way to introduce USJC. Additional Shin-Issei programs including networking events, the Shin-Issei Connection, and student outreach opportunities are for USJC members only. For inquiries, please contact the Shin-Issei Steering Committee at [email protected].