Shin-Issei Networking: Looking at Japan Through a Social Work Lens


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Shin-Issei Networking: Looking at Japan Through a Social Work Lens
Date: September 22, 2022
Time: 5:00pm (PT)
Location: Virtual Event
Registration: Register here

Shin-Issei Networking is a series of three interactive sessions on themes that are close to “shin-isseis.” The event starts in English with a mini-panel to kick-start the conversation, followed by a breakout to discuss the topic in a small group setting in either Japanese or English. This is the 2nd event of the series and will focus on social issues in Japan, a discussion hosted by Council Leader and Shin-Issei Committee member Vince Okada. 

The recent assassination of former Prime Minister Abe has highlighted Japan’s issues with cult groups, poverty, and family relationships. There are also other critical social challenges like refugees and minorities, aging community, and mental health issues that social work professionals in Japan are grappling with today. What is the future of Japan? How can we shin-isseis with dynamic multi-cultural experience make an impact in addressing these social challenges in Japan?