This is my last message to all of you as Chair of the Board of Directors of the U.S.-Japan Council. As I step down on December 31 of this year, I am very pleased about the solid footing the Council is on today and how we were able to welcome two excellent Co-Chairs: Kathy Matsui and Susan Morita. Along with a proven CEO in Suzanne Basalla, a very capable Board of Directors and the ongoing hard work and support of the Council’s staff, members and sponsors, the Council is positioned to continue realizing its mission and remain relevant for many years to come.
It is often said that great leaders leave an organization better than when they inherited it. The Council is in a better place and it is because of the strong imprint and leadership of our founders – the Senator and Irene. To me, great leaders create a dynamic for excellence even in their absence. It was my honor to contribute in maintaining that dynamic. It is now your turn to keep our strong momentum going. I will find new ways to contribute to the Council’s mission while I hope that many of you will step up to lead the Council, our community and our two nations in the right direction.
Thank you for allowing me to be of service.
Best regards,
Paul Yonamine
Chair, USJC