Ahead of the Annual Conference in Tokyo in October, the Shin-Issei Affinity Group is holding a three-part series of virtual networking sessions. The second event was hosted by USJC Council Leader and Shin-Issei Steering Committee member Vince Okada (Assistant Professor of Social Work at Hawaii Pacific University) on Thursday, September 22. The theme was Looking at Japan Through a Social Work Lens, and a large and enthusiastic crowd of 30 members discussed the issues that social work professionals in Japan are grappling with today.
Participants were invited to read relevant background material prior to the session and exchanged perspectives in breakout rooms on how we as Shin-Issei can make an impact in addressing these social challenges in Japan.The final installment of the series, titled Struggles and Joys of (Re)building a Career outside Japan, will take place on Thursday, October 20, with USJC Associate and Shin-Issei Steering Committee member Yuko Watanabe (ELP ’17) as moderator. To register, click here.
To inquire about the Shin-Issei affinity group, please contact [email protected], or one of the steering committee members: Council Leaders Aya Iwasuji (NorCal), Ichiro Sekimitsu (HI), Masami Tyson (TN), Tatsuki Tomita (NorCal), Toshiki Masaki (JALD ’15, MI), Vince Okada (HI), USJC Associate Yuko Watanabe (WA) and Council Leader Yumi Higashi (NY).
Thank you to Ichi Sekimitsu for the write up and photo!