USJC Women + Forum: Leadership Journeys


  • When

USJC Women + Forum: Leadership Journeys
Date: May 17, 2023
Time: 4:00pm (PT) / 1:00pm (HT) / 7:00pm (ET)
Location: Virtual Event
Registration: Contact Aiko Harris at [email protected].
(Please note that this event is for members and TOMODACHI & ELP alumni only.)

This event will include a virtual panel discussion between current and former USJC Board Members Ann Teranishi (American Savings Bank), Sachi Hamai (Los Angeles County), and Tomoko Kizawa (Deloitte) detailing how they scaled the organizational ladder. Moderator Andrea Sugano (Vanguard) will hold a conversation with the distinguished panelists regarding their paths to executive leadership.

Seating may be limited. RSVP today!


Andrea Sugano ( ELP ’16, Moderator)
Senior Strategy Analyst, Vanguard

Sachi Hamai
Former CEO, Los Angeles County

Tomoko Kizawa
Partner, Deloitte

Ann Teranishi
President & CEO, American Savings Bank