Critical Conversations: Voices of the Japanese American Experience on Race (Virtual Event)




As the #BlackLivesMatter movement became global, even making its way to Japan, we see the strong need and opportunity to have these important discussions now. Through the Critical Conversation Series, organized by USJC’s TOMODACHI Initiative, we aim to bring together the next generation of leaders in Japan and the United States to enable peer-to-peer learning by bringing thoughtful and inspirational speakers, creating a safe space to share experiences and perspectives, and to continue to be able to educate ourselves and have these important discussions.

This is a three-part series starting in July 2020. Read more about Part 1, “What is #BLM?”, here. Join the conversation to share, listen, and learn together.

Critical Conversations: Voices of the Japanese American Experience on Race
Date: September 5th 2020 (Japan) / September 4 (U.S.)
Time: 9:30am-11:30am (JST) / 8:30pm-10:30pm (EST)
Language: English with Japanese translation
Please register by August 31, 2020

For Part 2, we will continue to address the issue of race as inspired by the Black Lives Matter Movement, but through the lens of the Japanese American experience. We will bring together leading voices on the concept of race and allyship, and why it’s important to have these conversations.