Shin-Issei Networking: Struggles and Joys of (Re)building a Career outside Japan


  • When

Date: October 20, 2022 / October 21, 2022 (Japan)
5:00pm (PT) / 9:00am (JT)
Virtual Event
Register here

The final session of the three-part Shin-Issei Networking series is a perfect way to warm up before you head out to the Annual Conference! This event starts in English with a short talk on a pre-designated topic relevant to “shin-isseis,” followed by a small group breakout discussion in either Japanese or English. 

Building a career is hard anywhere, but to do that across two (or more) cultures is even harder. What were your biggest challenges and what did you learn from them? In this session, we will turn our thoughts inwards, share the stories of our unique life/career journeys with the community, and reconnect with the passion that got us all here at USJC.