USJC Portland Welcome Dinner
- When

Date: October 12, 2023
Time: No host cocktails 5:30pm (PT); Dinner 6:30pm (PT)
Location: Portland, OR
Registration: Please contact Lauren Matsumoto at [email protected] if you have any questions about this event or would like to register.
The U.S.-Japan Council’s Portland region is hosting a welcome dinner at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse to welcome the Japanese American Museum of Oregon’s (JAMO) new executive director, Hanako Wakatsuki-Chong and Consul General Yoshioka.
Join us as we hear formal remarks on world affairs and U.S.-Japan relations from the Consul General and a presentation on JAMO from Ms. Wakatsuki-Chong. No host cocktails in the main bar starts at 5:30pm and the dinner, which will be free to current members, will commence at 6:30pm.
Additional guests such as spouses, invited special guests and lapsed members are welcomed, space permitting, for a fee of $120. Registration is required. Please RSVP no later than October 5. Please dress in business attire; if you have any dietary restrictions, let us know in your reservation. If you have any further questions, contact Lauren Matsumoto at [email protected].