USJC Women+ Forum Presents: Demystifying the Funding Process


  • When

Date: May 22 (U.S.) / May 23 (Japan)
7:00pm (ET) / 4:00pm (PT) / 1:00pm (HT) / 8:00am (JT)
Virtual Event
 Please contact Aiko Harris at [email protected] if you have any questions about this event.
Please note that this event is for USJC members and TOMODACHI & ELP alumni only. This event will be recorded and made available for registrants for two weeks before it is deleted.

Have you ever wanted to learn more about how to fund or invest in a new venture? What is venture capital vs. private equity and all the levels in between? Start with this session that focuses on early stage Venture Capital. We bring together a panel of VC experts with unique experiences that cover international markets and perspectives to keep in mind for underserved and underrepresented groups such as women. This is a learning series presented by the Women+ Forum in collaboration with the USJC Investor Affinity Group.

Please feel free to submit early questions in the registration form to inform and optimize the discussion.


Noël Mika Bahamón (Moderator)
Chief Marketing Officer, Go Rentals; USJC Women+ Forum Chair

Kay Makishi (ELP ’13)
General Partner, Yasu Ventures

Andrew Ogawa
Managing Partner and Founder, Quest Venture Partners

Riki Yamauchi (ELP ’22)
Director of Strategic Investments and Partnerships, Novastar Ventures

Session Organizers

  • Noël Mika (Yi) Bahamón
    Chief Marketing Officer, Go Rentals; USJC Women+ Forum Chair
  • Yoko Otani
    Partner, Straterix Inc.; USJC Board Member