World War II and the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb
- When

World War II and the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb
Date: September 17, 2021 (U.S.) / September 18, 2021 (Japan)
Time: 4:00pm PT / 8:00am JT
Registration: Click here
Please join the U.S.-Japan Council Oregon Region and Shokookai of Portland for a most unique story of the Japanese American experience during WWII. Ed Kawasaki is an American citizen who was visiting his grandfather in Hiroshima when WWII started. He was an eyewitness to the atomic bomb and, will speak on how he survived the tragedy. Ed’s story will touch on Japanese life as seen through the eyes of an American during the WWII era including the steps taken by the local governing organizations to cope with being at war.
Ed has many perspectives to share on the Japanese American experience in America during the period following the war. His firsthand stories should be of interest to all wanting to learn more about the history of Japanese Americans.