Pictured above: Back Row: (R-L) USJC (Japan) Executive Director Mark Ikeno, Board of Councilors Vice Chair Masaaki Tanaka, Deputy Chief of Mission Raymond Greene, ARIIZUMI Shigeru, USJC Co-Chair Kathy Matsui, Board of Directors Treasurer Eiichiro Kuwana, Board of Councilors Chair (Japan) Scott Sato and Board of Councilors Member Yosuke Honjo. Front Row: TOMODACHI alumni and TOMODACHI Interns.
On August 30, the U.S.-Japan Council (USJC) hosted the 31st Business Advisory Board (BAB) Meeting at the Tokyo American Club. Under the leadership of Masaaki Tanaka, Vice Chair of the Board of Councilors, USJC welcomed Vice Minister for International Affairs ARIIZUMI Shigeru (Financial Services Agency (FSA), Government of Japan) as the featured speaker. His presentation, “Japan’s Economic Future – From a Financial Sector Perspective,” attracted over 80 business leaders and eight Next Generation leaders, including TOMODACHI Initiative alumni and interns.
Prior to the keynote speech, participants Deputy Chief of Mission Raymond Greene (U.S. Embassy), Board of Councilors Member Yosuke Honjo (ITOEN North America INC.) and Board of Directors Treasurer Eiichiro Kuwana (CookPine Capital LLC) delivered short self-introductions, which encouraged networking among the participants.

During the keynote speech, Mr. Ariizumi discussed three main initiatives of the FSA: Corporate Governance Reform, Sustainable Finance and Reform of the asset management sector. As one example, he highlights the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework for climate risk disclosure and forthcoming reforms in the asset management sector to enhance competition and transparency. Mr. Ariizumi concluded the presentation by emphasizing the vital and multifaceted relationship between Japan and the United States, underlining its significance for global stability based on shared values.
Participant Yuriko Kon (Building the TOMODACHI Generation: Morgan Stanley Ambassadors Program ‘22) said, “Having the chance to ask Mr. Ariizumi questions not only clarified my doubts but also provided insights into the future of financial education in Japan. Moving forward, I am excited to delve deeper into both my career and personal growth, leveraging the knowledge gained and relationships formed at this event.”