On May 20, USJC President and CEO Suzanne Basalla, Executive Director of U.S.-Japan Council (Japan) Mark Ikeno and USJC Members in the Japan Region hosted an appreciation event for former Executive Director Junko Tsuda and USJC (Japan) Board Member Steve Sakanashi (Matchbox Technologies, ELP ‘15) as a way to thank them both for their leadership at USJC.
As a result of their leadership, the Japan Region was able to remain active, foster closer connections among the members and continue expanding the USJC network despite the challenges brought by the pandemic. USJC’s Japan Region wishes them the best in their future endeavors in Yamanashi and Texas respectively.
Thank you to USJC Associate Eriko Stronach (BowerGroupAsia, ELP ’20) for the above content and photo!