The latest networking event hosted by the Shin-Issei Affinity Group last month centered on a topic especially relevant to its members: bilingual and bicultural heritage and how to pass it on to the next generations of Japanese American leaders. The event kicked off with a short plenary in English, followed by break-out sessions offered both in English and Japanese where Shin-Issei members discussed how they keep up their Japanese language and cultural fluency.
Participants also discussed what they do to pass on the Japanese American legacy to the future generation, including their Shin-Nisei children. Members shared their experiences and ideas, including hoshuko (weekend Japanese school), enrichment programs, books, anime, online media and travel.
The event attracted the largest number of participants since the Shin-Issei Affinity Group started the virtual networking program in 2021. The group plans to continue hosting similar events with topics of interest to its members. If you would like to join us, please email [email protected], or one of the steering committee members: Aya Iwasuji (NoCal), Ichiro Sekimitsu (HI), Masami Tyson (TN), Nori Tarui (HI), Tatsuki Tomita (NoCal), Toshiki Masaki (MI), Vince Okada (HI), Yuko Watanabe (WA) and Yumi Higashi (NY).
Thank you to Council Leader Yumi Higashi-Ho (Windels Marx Lane & Mittendorf, LLP) for the written content and photo!