2002 Japanese American Leadership Delegation


The second Japanese American Leadership Delegation traveled to Japan on March 23rd – March 30th, 2002 and visited Tokyo and Kyoto. Highlights of the trip included meetings with high-level Japanese leaders including government officials, parliamentarians and business executives.

The 2002 delegates represented the cities of Los Angeles, Sacramento and San Jose and diverse professions including cultural affairs, state government, higher education, law, non-profit administration and public relations.


The 2002 symposium, “U.S. Multiculturalism and Japanese Americans: New Challenges After September 11th” was sponsored by the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership and Asia-Pacific Area Research Center of the University of Tokyo, and featured Carol Komatsuka, Mitchell Maki, Glen Kawafuchi and Eric Tate as panelists.

2002 Delegates

  • Chris Aihara, Southern California
  • Jody Fujii, Northern California
  • Nancy Hatamiya, Northern California
  • Georgette Imura, Northern California
  • Glenn Kawafuchi, Southern California
  • Carol Komatsuka, Southern California
  • Mitchell Maki, Southern California
  • Sheri Sakamoto, Southern California
  • Eric Tate, Northern California
  • Andrew Yamamoto, Southern California