2008 Japanese American Leadership Delegation


The 2008 Delegates with the Honorable Yohei Kono

The eighth Japanese American Leadership Delegation traveled to Japan on February 29th – March 9th, 2008.  The Delegation visited Tokyo, Fukuoka and Kyoto.  Highlights of the trip included meetings with Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda and other high-level leaders of Japan including government officials, parliamentarians and business executives.  Three members of the Delegation participated in a presentation at a public symposium in Fukuoka.

The 2008 delegates represented ten cities from throughout the United States including Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Honolulu, Los Angeles, Portland, San Francisco, Seattle, New York City and Washington DC.  The delegation represented diverse professions including business, communications, government, film, health, higher education, journalism, law, marketing, media and non-profit administration.


The 2008 Program Symposium – “Reconnecting with Japanese Americans – Beyond 100 Years of Emigration” – sponsored by the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership and the Japanese American National Museum and coordinated by Dr. Yasushi Watanabe of Keio University and Irene Hirano, featured delegates Tom Ikeda, Sachi Koto, and Mark Hisao Yamakawa as panelists. Click here to download the symposium report.

2008 Delegates

  • Kristen Dozono, Oregon
  • Tom Ikeda, Washington
  • David Iwata, Southern California
  • Sachi Koto, Georgia
  • Stan H. Koyanagi, Southern California
  • Wayne H. Muraoka, Hawaii
  • Stann Nakazono, New York
  • Paul Ujihiro Niwa, Massachusetts
  • John Takeo Noguchi, Northern California
  • Joan Haru Ochi, District of Columbia
  • Mark Hisao Yamakawa, Hawaii
  • Ted Teruo Yamasaki, Northern California
  • Lori S.C. Yokoyama, Illinois