2012 Japanese American Leadership Delegation


The 2012 Delegates at JALD Orientation in Los Angeles

In March 2012, ten Japanese American leaders from across the country traveled to Japan to meet with top officials to further develop the U.S.-Japan relationship and establish a meaningful role for Japanese Americans. For the first time in program history, the delegation visited the city of Sendai in the Tohoku region to show support for the region devastated by the Great East Japan Earthquake and learn from those living there. The delegation also visited Tokyo for a variety of exchanges with high-level leaders including the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Japan.

The 2012 delegation was chosen based on several key themes being developed by the U.S.-Japan Council including entrepreneurship, NGO/NPO partnerships, high technology and education, among others.  The delegates came from across the country and are active in their communities, engaged in U.S.-Japan relations and committed to deepening ties between Japanese Americans and Japan.  U.S.-Japan Council President Irene Hirano Inouye led the delegation.


Click here to download the 2012 JALD Report.


In Sendai, the delegates participated in a symposium sponsored by the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership and the U.S.-Japan Council focused on empowering civil society in Japan. Barbara Hibino, Mark Mitsui and Susan Onuma served as panelists, exploring how the U.S. and Japan can forge new partnerships between U.S. and Japanese organizations, foster greater entrepreneurial opportunities and better support the growing NPO/NGO sector in Japan.


Featured Video: 2012 Delegate Shannon Hori (Miami, FL) produced a video segment capturing the delegates’ experience in the Tohoku region.

2012 Delegates

  • Michael Bosack, Colorado
  • Barbara Hibino, Northern California
  • Shannon Hori, Florida
  • Neil Horikoshi, District of Colombia
  • Janet Ikeda, Virginia
  • Mark Mitsui, Oregon
  • Susan Onuma, New York
  • Barry Taniguchi, Hawaii
  • Michael Tanimura, Illinois
  • Paul Watanabe, Massachusetts